Parliament Orders For Closure Of Hoima City Abattoir

Parliamentary Health Committee has called for the closure of Hoima City abattoir due to deplorable hygienic conditions, after MPs found the place covered with maggots and flies, due to the absence of a drainage system, leading to the stagnation of animal blood and excreta at the facility.
The call was made by Hon. Samuel Opio, Vice Chairperson Health who recommended for the suspension of business within Hoima City Abattoir in order to allow the responsible authorities to correct the defects cited by Parliament, warning that any delays would turn slaughter houses into disease epicenters in Uganda.
“As a Committee, we are going to make our report but here within Kyenkobe, we have asked the District Veterinary Officer that this facility be closed, until the necessary corrective action is made because we found that the area is basically not hygienic at all to facilitate the slaughter of the animals within this place. We are also finding areas where the rooms and the floors aren’t made of the right materials, they are supposed to be of terrazzo, but they are of cement and holding blood, a lot of flies and dirt that is accumulated and it is making the place very filthy,” remarked Hon Opio Samuel(Kole North MP).
“We have seen that there are some practices that are not effected for example, where they find a liver with liver flukes, they just cut off the part where the liver flukes is, and the rest is released and that means it goes to the market and the public consumes it. Even in the internal organs, there some internal organs like the alimentary canal where they find disease, they simply cut the part of it and then the healthy part is released. So there are some practices that aren’t standard practices that are supposed to be followed,” added @opio_acuti .
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