23 Trafficked Ugandans Repatriated From Myanmar, Foreign Affairs Ministry Confirms.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has confirmed the successful repatriation of twenty three Ugandans who were illegally trafficked and held in 2023 Techileik Myanmar after being lured with promises of high paying jobs .
He said,that Government of Uganda in collaboration with the High Commission in Kuala Lumpur, the ministry of internal affairs and the office of the prime minister engaged with the government of Myanmar that resulted to an agreement to have these Ugandans released.
"Following their release, these victims were sheltered at the Thailand Myanmar border, with assistance from the Thai government and the International Organization for Migration IOM. Thai authorities confirmed the victims status as trafficking survivors, enabling the repatriation process to commence". The PS said.
During the 19th Summit of Non Aligned Movement held in Kampala in January 2024, Hon John Mulimba the minister of state for Foreign Affairs for regional Cooperation along with Ambassador Dr. Betty Bigombe the Ambassador of the republic of Uganda to Thailand with residence in Kuala Lumur met with Myanmar deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. U Than Swe and raised the concern about the safety, rescue and return of the incarcerated Ugandan citizens.
The ministry praises Ambassador Betty Bigombe or the efforts to have Ugandans back to the homeland.
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