IGP Byakagaba Visits Renovated CID Headquarters Kibuli

Aug 24, 2024 - 02:11
IGP Byakagaba Visits Renovated CID Headquarters Kibuli

 The inspector General of Police Abbas Byakagaba has today visited the newly multi billion renovated CID Headquarters in Kibuli for the first time since he was appointed IGP by President Museveni.

 IGP Byakagaba stormed Kibuli in mid morning hours of 23 August 2024 and was ushered in by Director CID AIGP Tom Magambo alongside his Deputy Beata Chelmo among other officials.

 He was welcomed by gun salute at the quarter guard and from there, he planted a tree in for his rememberence where he surprised the many by planting the tree using his bare fingers.

Later on AIGP Magambo made him tour the whole CID which he changed from rotten structures to new City of Kibuli.

 Byakagaba visited all officers including Receiption, Complaint desks, Grilling rooms, shawer rooms, offices among others.

IGP Byakagaba as usual interacted with CID officials where he listened to their issues before he held a secret meeting with Director CID and other top officials.

 However sources who attended the meeting revealed to us that IGP Byakagaba promised to support CID in fighting corruption.

"The whole area looks new and am happy for the work Magambo and his team have done. It really shows value for the money. Some people are given money and do shodwy work which is part of corruption," Sources quoted IGP Byakagaba saying.


"The cost for renovating CID Headquarters has not been inflated. There is a habbit of inflating costs of doing things in police but I want to thank AIGP Magambo for not being part of those people," Adds smiling IGP Byakagaba saying he is ready to support CID whenever they need his help.

 It should be remember that former IGP Gen Kale Kayihura blasted former Director Logistics in Police AIGP Bangirana for inflating the costs of constricting police houses in Naguru.

Sources say IGP Byakagaba told Magambo and his team to continue the fight against corruption among public servants. 

"The President is happy with what you CID is doing in fighting corruption and you should not rest until the war on corruption is finished," Says Byakagaba. He further warned CID bosses who are involved in corruption while fighting corruption. "Some CID bosses receive millions of money from corrupt officials to kill their corruption cases.

 This must stop and any officer who will be found doing it will be delt with severally, " Says tough IGP Byakagaba.

It is also on record that AIGP Tom Magambo had earlier warned detectives who corride with criminals while investigating sensitive cases. "You are investigating the matter and at the end you find the CID officer is the Kayungirizi of the criminal.

This is Kawukumi which the President has always said," Magambo was recently quoted . Sources say in his remarks Magambo revealed to IGP Byakagaba what he intends to do in CID in future and if well funded.

 "Sir we have done what you have seen under limited budget but we intend to do more if you can support us and increase our budget as CID," Another source heard Magambo saying. Magambo said he emphasized on training of CID officers in various courses which was lacking before.

 "Almost all CID personnel have under gone different courses and can now handle cases basing on skills," Says Magambo.

 He added that is placed where he or she fits best. We have been told that President Museveni is expected to visit Kibuli soon.

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