Mubende CAO, PDM District Production Officer Survive Arrest Over Charges From PDM Beneficiaries

The Mubende district Chief Administrative officer (CAO) Peter Ruhweeza and the district PDM focal product person over the Shs4000 bank charges from the beneficiaries.
The president has tasked all local leaders to register the number of home steads in each parish such that the government can determine whether the Shs100 million is enough for each parish or should be added on.
The president while preaching the PDM gospel to Mubende people tasked the CAO to account for this money.
The CAO told the president that banks deduct Shs4000 shillings from the one million for each beneficiary which was opposed by the local .
President museveni ordered the presidential advisor on police matters Suzan Kasingye to investigate the matter.
He has directed her to record all that were deducted more than the Shs4000 from the one million meant for each beneficiary and he will determine whether the CAO and production officer will be arrested and record the statment.
"By independece money economy was small and during Amini's regime even the small economy collapsed .There was shortage of social economic commodities like , sugar, soap, cement ,salt, beer .There was smuggling and government was not getting Taxes, Speculation and foreign markets black markets but when NMM took over we had to Bring back the small economy in colonial times eg, coffee, tea, cotton,,
Expanding the small economy, Diversification which were not money products and now turned to be money products eg maize, milk, banana,sorghum through value addition and Knowledge economy by use of heads like kira motors, vaccines".He remarked.
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