UCC Closes Six Radio Stations over Operating without Licenses

Uganda Communications Commission UCC has cancelled the operating licence of 6 radio stations. The notice of closure was issued to the owners and management of the radio stations for failure to obtain a valid broadcasting llicense from UCC. These include; Divine Partners (U) Limited, Radio Divine in Apac, Hot FM Limited, 101.6 Hot FM in Amolatar, Mgahinga Investments Limited, Kisoro FM in Kisoro, Millennium Community Radio 102.2FM in Ruhiira, Salt and Light Christian City Church Peace FM in Kitgum and Welsto Company Limited, Clouds FM in Fort Portal.
UCC was established by the Uganda Communications Act 2013 as the regulator in developing a modern communications sector that includes; telecommunications, broadcasting, radio communications, postal communications, and infrastructure. Section 27(1) of the Act requires that a person shall not broadcast without a broadcasting license issued by the Commission.
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