Man Stabbed to Death For Not Paying shs1000 for a Rolex.
Police have begun looking into the circumstances surrounding the death of a man by a trader who demanded sh. 1000 for a popular egg roll called a rolex, which has become a staple dish for many young people in the nation.
The incident occurred in Gulu city's Gulu east division when two friends quarreled about the cost of a rolex, according to police spokesperson Fred Enanga.
“It happened as one of the locals commonly known as Odong Nyige, a resident of Karom cell, Pece-Laroo Division in Gulu city ordered for a rolex of shs1000 from Emmy’s chapatti point .After eating the rolex, he refused to pay which resulted into a fight,” Enanga said.
Enanga claimed that during the altercation, Odong was fatally stabbed numerous times by the owner of the chapatti stand, Emmy, who was armed with a knife.
The suspect has since left the scene of the incident, according to the police spokeswoman, and search efforts have begun for him.
Enanga said they had kicked off with a man hunt because one cannot just stab and kill someone like that because of shs1000. He says that the incident was a flimsy disagreement which cannot cost the life of another person.
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