Museveni To Help CID Construct A Crime Data Analysis Centre

Sep 5, 2024 - 17:32
Museveni To Help CID Construct A Crime Data Analysis Centre

The President of the Republic of Uganda also the Commander in Chief of all Armed Forces Gen Yoweri Kaguta Museveni haa promised to support police in its efforts to construct a crime data analysis centre that will help the Criminal Investigations Directorate to efficiently carry out investigations.

 The President was closing the two-day annual coordination meeting between the Office of the DPP and Criminal Investigations Directorate at Kibuli under the theme, “The contribution of ODPP/CID in the socio-economic transformation of Uganda”.

the CID Director AIGP Tom Magambo asked Museveni to support their efforts to construct the facility at Kibuli.

“We have been trying to improve on the process of getting this crime data in time and guiding decision making. We want to request you to support us put up a crime data analysis centre because CID is the one that produces the annual crime report and are supposed to provide all the quick and timely information on crime. I would want you to help me on the centre to see how we can quickly do this,” Magambo asked Museveni.

 In response, President Museveni said he has no problem with the request, noting that he will support CID in that regard. “Make use of technical solutions. These technical solutions we will help you. Don’t bring business groups or those looking for business and their agents to construct. I totally support the crime data analysis centre. We shall have to build it and the forensics centre. We shall work on both of them,” Museveni pledged.

On the same note, The president asked CID to help fight corruption by cooperating with citizens, noting that it is easy to detect corrupt since the citizens are the ones affected and can easily report or give information to aid in investigations.

 “ Corruption which is a big problem, is easy to fight because it is mainly targeting government resources destined for the people. Money is going for road and drugs to health centres among others is stole. In all those areas where the money was destined are potential beneficiaries who are denied these services because of corruption. The wananchi who are the victims of corruption will give you information.”

 The president said working with locals to report and given information, corruption can easily be dealt with.

 Gen Museveni however noted that cases like murder and rape among others which are complicated, forensic evidence and using other forms of intelligence can be used.

The president told police investigators and other public servants whose salaries have not yet been increased to be patient . “If government can be able to support you more, its good but if it can’t, use the little as we continue to build. The country will get more capacity to support everybody including public servants. We do things in a prioritized way. It is why I insisted we pay scientists more and actually some of these are not many but very crucial. Slowly we added prosecutors but we shall get to everybody.” “Don’t be like mongoose and their primitive sense of democracy. They are very small animals but can kill a cobra and when they do it, they share it in equal pieces for everyone to get or they leave it. Don’t be like mongoose who say either we get equal or no one gets. It is a wrong mentality. I would advise that patience is key.The economy is growing and we shall eventually get to everybody.”

 The CID director, AIGP Tom Magambo commended President Museveni for supporting CID to enable it do its work. “I am happy that in the last two years, you have supported us in terms of training and other support. We shall need more support to enable us cope with the changing crime,” Magambo said.


The Director of Public Prosecutions, Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo said in a bid to fulfill their special duty to protect the country and its people from criminals, the Office of the DPP and the CID have put in place approaches in successful investigation and prosecution of cases “We started prosecution guided investigations and have brought results. The cases handled using this approach have brought so much results,” she said. 

Justice Simon Mugenyi Byabakama, the head of Uganda Electoral Commission spoke  asked officers to help keep the country peaceful and stable. He reminded them that their work is important for keeping everyone safe

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