Police Officer Who Mortgaged Police Gun At Shs1.5m To Money Render Arrested - Gun Recovered With 30 Rounds Of Ammunition.

Police in the Bulambuli district have recovered the gun recently stolen from the Lusha police post. On 10th April 2024 police received a report of Theft of Uganda Police SMG Rifle No UG POL 565906798 34701 with 30 rounds from Lusha Police Post which was under the custody of one No 46238 Cpl Mangusho Henry the 2nd in charge Post at Lusha Police Post located in Kisubi B village, Bumwambu parish, Lusha Sub-county - Bulambuli District
It's alleged that the victim who had moved out for a social evening, returned home and realized that the gun which was in his custody was missing.
He asked his wife whom he left at home, but the wife said she also went to bathe and left the children at home. Upon asking the little children, they revealed that Tata Mandela (Sgt Were Wilson the OC Post) entered the house and picked the gun, sat on his motor cycle and went away but came back without it.
A call was raised to the District Police Headquarters (Bulambuli) and the same incident reported where a team from Bulambuli Central Police station led by DPC responded to the incident.
Upon investigation, the Oc Post Sgt Were Wilson, 2nd in charge - Cpl Mangusho Henry, One Nabugawa Base a wife to Cpl Mangusho and one Masiga Charles were arrested and taken to the District headquarters.
A quick Search was conducted but nothing tangible was recoveredand a case of theft was opened up at Bulambuli Police Station vide SD Ref: 19/11/04/2024 (CRB 130/2024).
Later, a team from the Region led by RPC SSP Otim Bosco, joined by Bulambuli Police Team conducted Community Policing in Lusha Sub county and requested the Locals to willfully hand back the Police gun or bring in any leads that would cause the recovery of the stolen gun and the community pledged to cooperate.
A letter was found dumped near Police indicating that the gun was with one named Sunday Lawrence and in the letter he stated that he didn't steal the gun but it was mortgaged to him by one Sgt Were Wilson at 1.5m shs and he wanted his money back before he returns the gun
The money that the suspect requested for was mobilized and sent through the Chairman L.C 3 Lusha Sub county.
The brother to the suspect identified as Kadugala Sam received the gun and handed it to the Chairperson of his Bagatisa clan and eventually taken to police through the office of Diso Bulambuli around 1100hrs of 23/04/2024. but according to police, inquiries are still ongoing.
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