S.3 Student Arrested Over Allegedly Sodomizing S.1 Schoolmate

The Police Ayivu East Division in Arua City are investigating the incident of Homosexuality at St Joseph college-ombaci.
The victim aged 13yrs, is a senior one student at st joseph college ombaci resident of Arua city.while the suspect is identified as Mungufeni Boniface aged 18yrs senior three student at the same school
It's alleged that the two students(the victim and the suspect)share same school -St Joseph college ombaci as boarders but different classes and different Dormitories.
On the 26/10/2024,Boniface approached the victim during day hours and requested to borrow him 2000shs.
The victim had no changed money but he had a note of ten thousand which he gave him on condition that he returns back the balance of 8000shs.
Between midnight to 0100hrs,same date,Boniface went to the victims Dormitory. The victim thought he had taken his balance of 8000 whereas not.he had gone to inform him that he hadn't got change.
The suspect who looked drunk could not go back to his Dormitory. The victim moved out for shot call.on returning back, he found suspect seated on the neighbours bed one called Fortune who was sleeping.
As the victim tried to turn on his bed,the suspect got up grabbed him,covered his mouth and put him on Fortunes bed.he pulled off his short and the one of the victim as he struggled to push his penis(which had erected)into victim's Anus through his thighs.
The victim says he resisted,he didn't open his legs to surrender for the Act and in the process, the suspect ejaculated/released sperms which littered in victim's thighs and on a mattres .the victim realised he was wet in his thighs.After ejaculation, the suspect warned the victim not to reveal anything.
However, the victim says the neighbour one Fortune slept off, he didn't hear all this struggle yet the actions were done on his bed which bring doubt to allegations.
That the following morning, the Dorm captain and school prefects approached the victim, they asked him what was he doing with Boniface and he opened up and said it all.
On Sunday 27/10/2024 At midnight again, that the same Boniface went back to the victim pretending to discuss about the money issues. Thar in so doing, the suspect demanded to try again.
The victim says, he did not accept but he told him to go back next weekend.
The following day,the victim and suspect were summoned by the school management who interviewed them.
The suspect admitted and he started apologising to be pardoned.
The deputy head teacher chose to bring them for further management.
Police noted that a case of Homosexuality was registered vide sd 28/28/10/2024 and now CRB 208/2024.
Material evidence recovered include blood sheets and mattress cloth for forensic analysis. -
Several statements were recorded from witnesses including the neighbours and locals and the suspect Mungufeni Boniface is in cells to facilitate our investigation as inquiries are still ongoing
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