Speaker Anita Among In More Troubles As Museveni Orders Investigations Into Her Assets In UK

May 10, 2024 - 22:48
Speaker Anita Among In More Troubles As Museveni Orders Investigations Into Her Assets In UK

President Museveni has asked British government prove with credible information confirming that Speaker Anita Among has properties in United Kingdom.

Museveni said in a letter to Foreign Affairs Minister Gen Jeje Odongo dated May 2, 2024 and the inspector  general of government Hon Betty Kamya that he met with UK’s envoy to Uganda, Kate Airey last Tuesday before the British slapped sanctions on the Speaker and two former Ministers, Agnes Nandutu and Gorreti Kitutu for their involvement in the theft of relief items for Karamoja region.

“She (Kate) also told me about sanctioning the Rt. Hon. Anita Among. I said: “Why?” She said that Anita Among has got a house or houses in UK and has got bank accounts from which she pays school fees for her children who are studying there,” said Museveni.

“I told her that the issue of houses would be very interesting if, especially, Anita Among did not declare them in her Leadership Code documents. If she had declared them, then the next issue would be how she got the money to build them. If these two are answered correctly and showing no mistake, the remaining issue would be political, ideological judgement,” he added.

The resident said that the accused ministers are not yet convicted .

The alleged theft was discovered by our agencies and the Uganda courts are handing the case.How the do other countries come into the matter?

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