138 NRM Regional, District Coordinators Under Training Ahead Of 2026 General Elections

May 22, 2024 - 16:54
138 NRM Regional, District Coordinators Under Training Ahead Of 2026 General Elections

The ruling National Resistance Movement has embarked training of Over 138 regional and district Coordinators and 21 National Secretariat for Patriotism Corps Office the President NSPC staff.

This induction retreat is currently ongoing at Oliver Reginald Tambo School of Leadership Kaweweta .

The training is among such conducted by the secretariat to equip members with knowledge and strengthen patriotism in members.

Government of Uganda announced its intention  to make the Kiswahili language a compulsory and examinable subject in primary and secondary schools.

This is  the second official national language from English in Uganda and plays a pivotal role in accelerating regional trade in the EAC bloc as the mode of communication among traders and their customers.

The national Resistance Movement (NRM) secretariate previousl embacked  on Kiswahili training at the party headquaters Kyadondo road with the aim ohf imparting language skills to its members nationwide with the intention of fast-tracking the East African Integration agenda.

The party secretary general Rt. Hon. Richard Todwong has told spyreports that the party decided to give its members free kiswahili programme that runs evey wednesdays and saturdays with the intention to prepare members for regional easy communication and trade.

He added that members are awarded certificates upon completing the training and encouraged members of the public to learn the language to expand their opportunities in the region.

This is the 4th session of the second semester of Kiswahili Training and the Art of Public Speaking lessons.Hon.Todwong added.

According to government, “Kiswahili has been recognized by the Ugandan Cabinet as an official language and is widely spoken in the EAC bloc and beyond.

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