Ask No More! I Received The Parliament Service Award - Commissioner Prossy Mbabazi Akampurira Confesses To Her Electorates.

Jun 30, 2024 - 13:39
Ask No More! I Received The Parliament Service Award - Commissioner Prossy Mbabazi Akampurira  Confesses To Her Electorates.
The Rubanda Woman Member of Parliament who is also the Parliamentary Commissioner Hon Prossy Mbabazi Akampurira has come out and confessed to her Rubanda district electorates that she received the controversial Shs400M ''Service Award'' but refuted claims that it was stolen money.

Hon Akampurira said that she receive the money and did not eat alone but shared the money with the Rubanda voter particularly with the women groups.

''I received the money and i gave it to the people. I had all the liberty to use all the money for all my personal gains but i didn't do that, i gave that money to the people because i know how important my people are. I had never picked or stolen any money, it came from the ministry of finance and went to my account''. says Akampurira.

When you move the whole district, they will give accountability on that money and i was not the chair of that day on the commission she added.

Akampurira says, Hon Sekikubo and and his co-movers are just politicking the service award matter.

This comes at the time when hon Theodore Sekikubo heads a group of petitioners of a censure motion, seeking to remove four backbench parliamentary commissioners over a 1.7 billion shillings service award to collect the final signatures from regions to support their motion.

''Whatever they are doing is politics ,i know the are managing politics, i was in the last parliament and i wasn't a commissioner and i know whatever commissioners were getting'' She stressed.

However the Legislators from the National Resistance Movement have been warned against signing the censure motion by government chief whip Hamson Obua.

The commissioners that are under public criticism are the former leader of opposition and Nyendo Mukungwe representative Rt Hon Mathias Muuga who received Shs500M with others Esther Afoyochan (Zombo DWR), Prossy Akampurira (Rubanda DWR), and Solomon Silwany (Bukooli Central) receiving Shs400m each.

President Museveni while delivering the State of the Nation Address ealier this month declared a war on Corrupt goverment officials.

So far Five legislators are remanded over corruption related cases Igara East Micheal Mawanda, Elgon County representative Mudimi Wamakuyu , Busiki County Paul Akamba, Hon Yusuf Mutembuli for for Bunyole East Constituency and Cissy Dionizia Namujju woman MP for Lwengo District.

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