Confession! How Speaker Tayebwa Sold Pancakes For His Teacher To Survive During Primary School Times.
The Deputy Speaker of Parliament Rt Hon Thomas Tayebwa revealed that he has a school humble beginning where he used to survive on pancakes commission from his teacher.
Tayebwa revealed this while introducing to legislators his primary school teacher Bebaze Jemas his special guest in the VIP gallery .
"When I was in primary four, he appointed me a sales man to get additional income, he would make pancakes wrapped in banana leaves and I would sell them during break time and at the closure of the school" Speaker Tayebwa narrates.
After selling he could make accountability that's where issues of transparency comes in.
"From that I learnt that you can do something and benefit from it because he used to give me a commission in form of pancakes which I could consume all right away".
According to the agreement between the two, for every ten pancakes sold tayebwa could get one as his commission which was 10% praising his ability to have such a good negotiation.
"At the end of the day I could have four pancakes and I would give one to the one who admire since we had reached a stage of admiring yes we started admiring earlier and you could do the right thing when legally allowed". The speaker told his colleagues in Parliament.
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