Secrets Why President Museveni Summoned IGP Byakagaba At State House

Jun 28, 2024 - 19:51
Secrets Why President Museveni Summoned IGP Byakagaba At State House

Shocking secrets why President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni summoned the new Inspector General of Police (IGP) Abbas Byakagaba at State House on Wednesday has finally linked to Spyreports.

 According to information obtained from highly security sources, Byakagaba is the first IGP to meet President Museveni alone at state house shortly after his appointment.

 "Byakagaba received the first call from the President and it was calling him for a private meeting.

He was instructed to come alone," Reveals a state house source.

The source says that Byakagaba is also the first police officer to be called from his retirement and appointed IGP.


"The president had got a lot of briefings about the internal issues with in the police which could have contributed to the increase in crime Country wide," Says another inside source.

He added that President used to call Internal affairs Minister on matters related to police and Prisons since they fall under that Ministry but the President would not get right answers.

 "The minister could not know the internal welfare of police officers, their feeding accommodation among others," says another source.

Sources at state house say When Byakagaba arrived at state house, he was taken to the waiting room where he waited for an hour before the meeting started.

Sources say the President asked him to explain general situation of the police.

 "You have been in the force for over 30 years and you served in various positions and at the time you retired you were at the highest rank in the force so I expect you to know police in all angles and I need you to tell me now," a source quoted the President asking Byakagaba.

 The source says without fear, Byakagaba told the president how the institution was in a different state almost collapsing.



He says the budget police gets can not even last for six months. "All the activities of police are done below the budget," says IGP adding the money police gets from the government can not even push the institution for six months.

The source says the President took time to believe.

 It is even on record that Gen Katsigazi while acting as IGP carried all police directors to Gulu to meet Gen Saleh to beg for funding. "All directors and IGP moved in a police coaster due to lack of fuel. " The whole institution went to beg money from an individual to run the force. An individual and the force who is bigger than the other, " questions a senior police officer who was on a begging trip.

Gen Katsigazi while handing over to Byakagaba said police had challenges of fuel to run their operations. Sources also revealed to us how Shell Uganda had stopped giving fuel to police due to accumulated debts.

Sources say Byakagaba also briefed the president how police lucks human resource due to high desertion rate.

 Recently president ordered Byakagaba to deploy 16 police officers at every sub County to handle the rate of increasing crime.

He added that police also luck vehicles and even those which they have are old and are in poor conditions.


"Your Excellence we still have alot of challenges in the force and if not solved, the rate of crime will remain a challenge," he says.

 Sources say after a lengthy meeting,the President promised to help Byakagaba and police but also warned him about increasing corruption, indiscipline, high rate of alcoholism among police officers.

 "I can help you on the issues you have raised here but I will have problems with you if you fail to handle corruption in the police," Says the President.

Source say the President warned IGP about mafias who grab peoples lands using police after getting millions as bribes.

IGP Byakagaba promised the President how he will not disappoint him and how he is ready to fight corruption and other bad vises in the force.

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