Ssekikubo Cries To Speaker To Include His Censure Motion On Order Paper As 14 Days Deadline Draws Closer

Aug 15, 2024 - 15:37
Ssekikubo Cries To Speaker To Include His Censure Motion On Order Paper As 14 Days Deadline Draws Closer

Lwemiyaga County Member of Parliament hon Theodore Ssekikubo has raised concern over the delay by the top leadership at Parliament to include on the Order Paper, his motion seeking to censure the four Commissioners over the Shs1.7Bn Service Award, saying the 14 days within which such a motion must be tabled before Parliament would be elapsing on Monday, 19th August 2024, yet today is the last day within which Parliament is sitting for plenary.

Ssekikubo remarked that, “On the Order Paper, we don’t see any item about the censure motion and the days are counting. Once a matter is properly filed and lodged in your good office, we would have the courtesy to be formally told through a notice that this matter would be coming up within the 14days. But this isn’t a Ssekikubo motion, it carries members of this honourable House, and the general public, they are anxiously waiting the outcomes of the petition. I therefore seek your indulgence so that I get guidance from you, knowing that the days are fast elapsing and the last day as we count the 14days, should be Monday and today is a Thursday".

However, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Rt Hon Thomas Tayebwa has assured Ssekikubo that he will receive a response on when his motion will be handled noting.

“I can see indeed you went on a countdown, and tomorrow you will get guidance. We are still within the14 days and I don’t know, people interpret differently, some can argue that the 14days don’t include the weekend, others argue, they include the weekend, but we shall ensure we play within the Rules. I can promise you that, we must play within the Rules, we can’t play outside the Rules". He confirmed. 

Earlier this week, the High court upheld the service award given to the four commissioners that was lawfully passed by parliament and passed through all the procedures and created fear that the censure motion may hit a snug.

But Ssekikubo clarified that the court ruling that upheld the Shs1.7Bn Service Award to the four Commissioner hasn’t erased his censure motion because, his prayers are different from the ones made by the petitioners in Civil Court.

 “We are seeing in the media hype that a particular court has sat and we are going on record, it hasn’t erased off our motion, it is still standing. Our prayers are different from those raised in the ruling and therefore, it can’t be affected by the court ruling. May we know as petitioners, when the notice is due to be issued so that we can prepare accordingly, for that debate," remarked Ssekikubo.

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