Uganda, CAR sign MOU - To Strengthen Military Cooperation

Oct 8, 2024 - 17:28
Uganda, CAR sign MOU - To Strengthen Military Cooperation

At the invitation of His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, president of the republic of Uganda, H.E Prof Faustin Archangel Touadera, President of The Central African Republic, paid a state visit to Uganda from 07th-10th October 2024 H.E Prof Faustin demonstrates the strong bilateral.

Relations between the two countries, which is anchored on their pan African spirit and quest for peace, security and economic transformation of the African continent.

H.E Prof Faustin was accompanied by a delegation of Ministers, including; Mr. Jean Willybro Sacko, Minister of State in charge Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration; Mr. Rameaux Claude Bireau, the minister of National Defence and Army Reconstruction (MDNRA) and General Zephirin Mamadou, the Chief of Defence Staff of The Armed Forces of the Central African Republic (FACA).

The republic of Uganda was represented by Hon Jacobs Maksons Oboth Oboth, Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs (MODVA), ministry officials, the Deputy Chief of Defence Force/Inspector General-UPDF, Generals and other senior officers.

The two ministers of defence noted that the renewal Memorandum Of Understanding signed on 17 January 2024, provides for strengthening military cooperation between the two countries. They appreciated the efforts of the technical teams and the Chiefs of Defence Forces / staff which culminated into the signing of the implementation agreement in Kampala today the 7th October 2024, which operationalizes the MOU.

The ministers hailed the historic and cordial relations that exist between the two countries and underscored the need to continue working together to further deepen military cooperation particularly, in the area of military training of the Central African Republic Armed Forces (FACA) by the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces in Uganda.

They further underscored the importance of regular Intelligence sharing on matters of military cooperation, geared towards combating the ever-evolving threats including terrorism, transnational crime, pandemics and others that impact mutual growth, development and prosperity.

They directed their technical experts to regularly meet and find actionable solutions to the aforementioned threats, for peace and security to prevail in the two countries and the region as a whole.

The two ministers commended the warm, cordial and brotherly relations between H.E President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of the republic of Uganda and his counterpart H.E Prof Faustin Taudera Archangel, president of the Central African Republic.

The ministers agreed that the next bilateral meeting shall be convened on date and venue to be mutually agreed upon by both parties through diplomatic channels.

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