US Gov’t Slaps Sanctions Against Speaker Anita Among, UPDF General And More Museveni Ministers

The United States of America has announced new sanctions against the Speaker of Parliament Anita Among for engaging in serious corruption as Speaker of Parliament. Also sanctioned are Amos Lugolobi, Agnes Nanduttu and Mary Goret Kitutu for engaging in corruption related to the Karamoja Ironsheets and gross violations of human rights.
The USA has also announced sanctions against Lt. Gen. Peter Elwelu (the immediate past Deputy Chief of Defence Forces) who commanded the killing of over 150 Ugandans in Kasese in 2016.
Speaker of Parliament Anita Among is designated due to involvement in significant corruption tied to her leadership of Uganda’s Parliament.
Former Minister of Karamoja Affairs Mary Goretti Kitutu, former Minister of State for Karamoja Affairs Agnes Nandutu, and Minister of State for Finance Amos Lugolobi are being designated due to their involvement in significant corruption related to conduct that misused public resources and diverted materials from Uganda’s neediest communities.
All four officials abused their public positions for their personal benefit at the expense of Ugandans.
Additionally, Peter Elwelu, former Deputy Chief of the Ugandan Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF), is designated due to his involvement in gross violations of human rights.Specifically, Peter Elwelu was involved, while commanding UPDF forces, in extrajudicial killings that were committed by members of the UPDF.
As a result of these actions, the designated Ugandan officials are generally ineligible for entry into the United States.
The Department is also taking steps to impose visa restrictions on multiple other Ugandan officials for undermining the democratic process and repressing members of marginalized or vulnerable populations in Uganda.
These individuals are responsible for, or complicit in, the repression of Ugandan members of political opposition groups, civil society organizers, and vulnerable communities in Uganda.
The United States stands with Ugandans advocating for democratic principles, a government that delivers for all its citizens, and accountability for actions committed by those who abuse their position through corruption and gross violations of human rights. Impunity allows corrupt officials to stay in power, slows the pace of development, facilitates crime, and causes unequal distribution of resources, which can affect underrepresented and underserved populations disproportionally.
Today’s actions reaffirm the U.S. commitment to support transparency in Uganda’s democratic processes, counter corruption globally, and address the broader culture of impunity that prevents all Ugandans from enjoying their human rights and fundamental freedoms.
"It has been our call to the civilised world not to keep a blind eye to the impunity perpetuated by the Museveni regime. We hope more individuals and organizations responsible for the suffering of our people will be sanctioned. This sends a clear message to those responsible for gross violations of human rights; those responsible for the plunder of our nation's resources, that yes, today they control all institutions that should be holding them accountable, but they are not far from accountability".Chanted NUP President Robert Kyagulanyi
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