Clan Members Landless As Soroti Catholic Church Violently Grabs Their Land

Jun 3, 2024 - 09:26
Clan Members Landless As Soroti Catholic Church Violently Grabs Their Land

Religious pessimists have for years fronted the “Gun followed the cross” theory to highlight the double-crossed nature of the white religion and the Christian missionaries, its founders on the African continent.

As we speak now, members of the Imoratok Clan in Ogolai Sub-county, Ococia parish in Amuria District can clearly relate with the adage following their untold suffering at the hands of Orungo Catholic Church under the jurisdiction of Soroti Catholic Diocese.

In a Save-our-Souls (SOS) petition to the Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MoLHUD), these clan members narrate the harrowing tale of how this church has used its might and influence to render the

m helpless as it grabs their customary land using all fraudulently means and authorities within its powers.

In a May 28, 2024 petition to Lands Minister Judith Nabakooba, the clan members, represented by six plaintiffs want the minister to intervene in their matter as she is their only hope of redress, with previous attempts at getting justice having been frustrated by all would-be agents and temples of justice including the area resident district commissioner, police and even the courts of law.

Particularly, the petitioners who include Aleu Mark, Egaru Richard, Odongo Thomas, Eculu Vincent, Anoku Mark and Ekeu Joseph want the minister to prevail over the area RDC, District Police Commander and the Church to stop harassing members of their clan following earlier persistent incidents of the same conduct but which have been perpetrated and perpetuated by the same named parties.

Secondly, the petitioners also want the minister to write to the Chief Justice to cause a review of this particular case which they say was bungled by the lower courts and the high court in Soroti upon the instigation and influence by the church. The petitioners further aver that all these atrocities against them are the handiwork of Fr. Ipurale Ocom Joseph who operates under the auspices of St. Peters Canisius Catholic Church Orungo, which is said to be a non-existent legal entity.
On top of that, they want the minister to cause the resurveying of the suit land so that clear demarcations can be distinguished between the land which the church received through donation by one of the plaintiffs’ deceased elders in 1944 and that which it is being accused of cunningly and violently grabbing.
“We are grateful for your urgent intervention to alleviate the continued suffering and plight of the Imoratok clan and the community of Ococia-Morungatuny in Amuria district,” in part reads the plaintiffs’ petition to the minister.

Genesis of trouble
Documents seen by this publication indicate trace the genesis of this matter to the noble and kind act of the late Etengu Honorat, the father to Aleu Mark, one of the petitioners who is a retired teacher and proprietor of Ococia Girls Secondary School.

It is stated that then a staunch catholic faithful, Etengu— desirous to see his community educated and healthy — donated about 50 acres of land to the church to construct a school and health centre to serve the local community.
Indeed, Etengu’s benevolence paid off when the church established the two amenities as requested.

However, hell broke loose 65 years later in 2009 when a one Fr. Ipurale was transferred to Ococia Catholic Church. In a bid to secure the church land, the priest embarked on the process of surveying it in a bid to get its title. While this was the noble thing to do, Fr. Ipurale is said to have been tempted by the devil to encroach on an additional 87 acres of land, way over and above the original 52 acres which were donated by the late Etengu.

The petitioners however aver that the entire process was done with utmost impunity and in total breach of legally prescribed procedures on land acquisition, documentation and ownership.

“The respondents/defendants in total abuse of the law, encroached on the Appellants/plaintiffs land by surveying additional land.

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