Police Intercepts NUP Planning Deminstrations, Impounds 400 T-Shirts , Arrests One Supporter.

Apr 7, 2023 - 17:27
Police Intercepts NUP Planning Deminstrations, Impounds 400 T-Shirts , Arrests One Supporter.

Police and other security agencies in Uganda have received intelligence information that there are political activists planning a nationwide civil action on May 8, 2023.

According to the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Patrick Onyango, the activists, who are using the National Unity Platform under Kunga Uganda campaign, have allegedly printed over 400 white T-shirts and placards that they intend to use during the demonstration.

He says the T-shirts are inscribed with various messages, including "Uganda Economic Protest," "Kisoboka," "Raise Up," "tunahitagi uhuru," "together we can," and "kenagum."

“The activists' aim is to force the government to reduce the prices of essential commodities, and they are urging everyone to participate, regardless of their political or religious affiliation”, Onyango said.

However, the security agencies warn that the intended demonstration is illegal and may disturb the prevailing peace in the country.

Onyango also said that the authorities impounded the printed T-shirts and arrested one person, Kiwanuka Isaac, who was found in possession of the T-shirts. He has been charged with inciting violence.

The police are urging members of the public to resist being lured into participating in any illegal activities. The authorities said they are keen on maintaining law and order and ensuring that the rights of all Ugandans are protected. “The security agencies are working tirelessly to keep the country secure and peaceful, and we are calling on all citizens to cooperate with them to ensure that Uganda remains a safe place for everyone”, Onyango said.


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