Traffic Police Issues Tough Guidelines Ahead Of School's New Term Opening.

Jan 31, 2025 - 09:00
Traffic Police Issues Tough Guidelines Ahead Of School's New Term Opening.

As schools resume for the first term of 2025 this week and next, a surge in activities is expected, accompanied by increased traffic volume and potential traffic violations that may lead to road crashes.

 Ensuring the safety of our children on the roads is a paramount concern for all stakeholders.

 Road safety is a shared responsibility that requires collective effort, particularly when it comes to protecting our children as they use the roads.

 In light of the same, the Directorate of Traffic and Road Safety reminds students, parents, guardians, motorists, and school administrators of their critical roles and responsibilities in ensuring road safety. 

"We urge all stakeholders to adhere to the following guidelines, which are crucial in achieving our goal of preventing road crashes involving school-going children".Stated Traffic police spokesperson SP Micheal Kananura.

Motorists are urged to slow down near schools and pedestrian crossings, Be cautious of children crossing roads, Obey speed limits (30km/h in urban areas and school zones)and Avoid distractions while driving especially using phones.

 Also appealed to avoid driving on shoulders, Avoid loading passengers in excess, dangerous loading as well as  exercising discipline and patience on the roads.

On the side of Parents/Guardians they are advised to ensure helmets for pupils and cyclists, Use safe and reliable school transport, monitor their loading, Accompaning young children to/from school, Teaching children road safety rules and accompaning children below 12 years on motorcycles. 

Students are advised to use designated taxi and boda-boda stages, Stay alert and avoid distractions while walking/crossing roads, Move in groups and cross roads in single file 4. use recognized motor vehicles for taxes with checkered band.

 They are also advised to desist from boarding vehicles with tinted glasses, using crash helmets as they use motor cycles.

Urged to Walk on the right-hand side, facing oncoming traffic, Cross the roads at the zebra crossing where they are available, Cross roads carefully (check right, left, and right) and avoid runing while crossing .

For School Administration, The school should ensure safe school surroundings, Designate school crossing points ,Educate students on road safety, Collaborate with local authorities, Monitor student drop-off/pick-up areas and Use flags to alert motorists

For the entire public police advice them to avoid unsafe overtaking, Observe speed limits, Wear seatbelts, Stay vigilant and report reckless driving. 

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